英语人>词典>英汉 : shield law的中文,翻译,解释,例句
shield law的中文,翻译,解释,例句

shield law

shield law的基本解释


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This paper proposes a new method of load matching - Pulse shield law.


Thanks to the shield law, Ill never know.


All three presidential candidates have said they support the concept of the shield law.


In the state legal system, 36 states and the District of Columbia permit reporters privilege by the "Shield Law."


I could lose my job; I could go to jail, he said. I must fully cooperate and waive the shield law or he would come after me.


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更多网络解释与shield law相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

shield law:新闻保护法

新式教具/modern educational aids | 新闻保护法/shield law | 新闻发布稿/poop sheet

Shield Of Law:秩序护盾

秩序之怒 Order's Wrath 259 | 秩序护盾 Shield Of Law 279 | 秘法印记 Arcane Mark 203

doesn't have a shield law. Not on issues of national security:处理这样的国家安全问题时 才不会管法律

What? The federal government|怎... | doesn't have a shield law. Not on issues of national security.|处理这样的国家安全问题时 才不会管法律 | 49 states do have some form of protection for journalists,|49个...

He'll also say that there's no federal shield law protecting her:他还会说没有相关的联邦法律能保护我的当事人

and to find it out.|并将其绳... | He'll also say that there's no federal shield law protecting her|他还会说没有相关的联邦法律能保护我的当事人 | and that there's no First Amendment protection, either,|第...