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sheet music的中文,翻译,解释,例句

sheet music

sheet music的基本解释


更多网络例句与sheet music相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

This is my sheet music.


I used to... play with her sheet music.


I know people are asking for the music sheet, but all the piano videos are done by ear.


There is also a link to buy and download the sheet music from there too.


I smuggled them in with my sheet music.


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更多网络解释与sheet music相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

sheet music:活页乐谱

在把玩具给小男孩时,打开衣柜,得到活页乐谱(sheet music). 走上秘道里的台阶,到风琴屋,键入"弹奏活页乐谱"(play sheet m usic),这将会打开风琴的抽屉,里面有地窖的钥匙(the key to the crypt). 走下地窖, 打开锁. 进入地窖,

sheet music:乐谱

现场表演形态--音乐会(Concert)或演唱会;第二,音像媒体形态--音像制品(Audio-Visual Music),这是与商业密切结合的、被声像保存下来的、有载体的物质形态;第三,纸质媒体形态--乐谱(Sheet Music);第四,资讯数字文

Stand Sheet Music:标准纸面乐谱

Stop Mode 停止方式; | Stand Sheet Music 标准纸面乐谱; | Status Message 状态消息;

Sheet Music Generator:乐谱发生器

TouchPad Drawing Board 触摸板图板 | Sheet Music Generator 乐谱发生器 | Simon 西蒙

Sheet Music Book:一张乐谱

Sensor Module感应器模组 | Sheet Music Book一张乐谱 | Shot glass小酒杯

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