英语人>词典>英汉 : shahi的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

shahi [ʃɑ:'hi:]



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They were all likely to be driven to the capital Katmandu later on Tuesday, Shahi said.

Shahi 透露,这些人可能会在周二晚些时候被送到首都加德满都。

All respect to Rand Ravich, Far Shariat and especially to Damian Lewis, Sarah Shahi and the rest of the exceptional cast.

所有关于兰德Ravich ,远东,特别是对伊斯兰教达米安刘易斯,萨拉夏希和其他特殊的演员。

"I am not sure what motivated him to do this, but it was the crown prince Dipendra who committed these murders," said Rajiv Shahi, who is the son-in-law of slain King Birendra's youngest brother and survived the carnage unhurt.


Shahi did not comment on widespread reports that the massacre was sparked by a furious quarrel between Dipendra and his mother over his choice of bride.


Shahi did not comment on widespread reports that the massacre was sparked by a furious quarrel between Dipendra and his mother over his choice of bride.


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