英语人>词典>英汉 : set out on a journey的中文,翻译,解释,例句
set out on a journey的中文,翻译,解释,例句

set out on a journey

set out on a journey的基本解释

动身, 首途, 上路

更多网络例句与set out on a journey相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Before long,Marco Polo set out on a journey with his father and uncle to the Orient.


At the age of 15 he started touring with a small group. Realizing he needed to learn more, Bob enrolled in the McPhail Conservatory of Music in Minneapolis. With a fine musical education, piano and operatic voice training, he set out again on his musical journey to become the finely polished performer he is today.

在Bob Bellows4岁时,父亲坐在他的钢琴凳子上对他说,"来吧,孩子,就在这上面尽情地玩",就这一个"玩"的启蒙,从此让幼童的Bob一发而不可收,玩出了名堂,音乐和歌唱,成了日后Bob生活中不可分割的部分,由此走出了故乡,唱红了世界。

As a result, de Rothschild originally set his launch date for 28 April - exactly 62 years to the day when Heyerdahl set out on his epic journey across the Pacific.


更多网络解释与set out on a journey相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Help yourself. - And then:自作主张 - 那么然后

from the family vault, without permission.|从家族拱顶里,没有得到允... | - Help yourself. - And then,|- 自作主张 - 那么然后 | you set out on a dangerous journey up the mountain...|你启程踏上上山的危险路...

set out on:出发去做某事

set out 出发启航 | set out on 出发去做某事 | Set out on a journey round the world .动身周游世界

rise to the bait:上钩

上路--set out on a journey | 上钩--rise to the bait | 上了年纪--be getting on in years