英语人>词典>英汉 : salarying的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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The thesis combines the objective reality of Shaanxi chemical fertilizer Co., Ltd. of means of agricultural production closely, On the basis of encourage theory survey to the salarying , at first to influence factor that salary assign , staff of enterprise , carry on network analysis thesis, have carried on research to the salary system current situation of staff of chemical fertilizer Co., Ltd. of means of agricultural production of Shaanxi; Have analysed and got the unequal pay for the equal work, the income can"t reflect actual contribution , lack such questions as thereasonable performance appraisal system ,etc.; Regard theory as guidelines, combine the actual conditions of chemical fertilizer Co., Ltd. of means of agricultural production of Shaanxi, the thesis is from the system goal of the salary mainly, setting-up of the principle and tactics, post appraise, post belong to grade , design , salary of scheme respect to structure administrative staff and key post salary system of staff , enterprise of different levels carry on research; Probed into the supplementary measure that company"s salary scheme is implemented finally in thesis.
