英语人>词典>英汉 : saddle up的中文,翻译,解释,例句
saddle up的中文,翻译,解释,例句

saddle up

saddle up的基本解释

备马, 给马装上鞍

更多网络例句与saddle up相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Then we saddle up for the ride and its off for more adventure on horseback.


The side picked up saddle and horse to walk....


He saddle d up his horse and rode away.


Great. Then I'll saddle up and go with you.


Do you want to saddle me up?


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更多网络解释与saddle up相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

saddle up time to ride:马场风云

空中霸王之红色王牌,master of the skiesthe red ace | 马场风云,saddle up time to ride | 第六日,the sixth day

saddle up:备马鞍

That comment would sting a lot more. 那个评语更有杀伤力. | saddle up 备马鞍 | bronco 野马

So saddle up:快装上鞍

- A trail? - Yeah. And you passed.|- 路上? - 是的 而且你通过了 | So saddle up.|快装上鞍 | This is a really pretty area.|这地方真不错

Just, um, saddle up:那么就 嗯 把衣服换上吧

I guess that's about it.|我想就这些了 | Just, um, saddle up.|那么就 嗯 把衣服换上吧 | Cool.|酷

All right, gentlemen, saddle up:好的 绅士们 准备好

I'm two steps ahead of you, my man.|我领先你两步 伙计 | All right, gentlemen, saddle up.|好的 绅士们 准备好 | Listen, ladies, I couldn't help but notice...|听着 女士们 我不能帮忙 但是...

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