英语人>词典>英汉 : rubberstamp的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇


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It met twice a year in full committee and was divided into several subcommittees. It is difficult to tell if it had any real influence on the program, but it was not simply a rubberstamp for USDA policy.


Kim Jong Il, reported to have suffered a stroke in August, may still be able to preside over the opening session Thursday of North Korea's rubberstamp Supreme People's Assembly.


This week the National People's Congress, China's rubberstamp parliament, is expected to adopt a resolution on climate change, a move observers believe could give the clearest indication yet of Beijing's final negotiating position for Copenhagen.


For a commission that is rubberstamp to Air France acquiring KLM and Lufthansa acquiring Swiss, you know rubberstamp them through, for them to block the merge of the two Irish airlines which together account for less than five percent of the Euro air traffic it's clearly, it's not a competition decision, it's a political decision designed to keep the Irish government happy rather than look after consumers in competition around Europe.


The questions we have enumerated should be asked at least a week before an earnings report is released to the public. That timing will allow differences between the auditors and management to be aired with the committee and resolved. If the timing is tighter – if an earnings release is imminent when the auditors and committee interact – the committee will feel pressure to rubberstamp the prepared figures. Haste is the enemy of accuracy. My thinking, in fact, is that the SEC's recent shortening of reporting deadlines will hurt the quality of information that shareholders receive. Charlie and I believe that rule is a mistake and should be rescinded.


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regime 政权 | rubberstamp 官样文章式地通过 | secretariat 秘书处,书记处


rubbercheck空头支票 | rubberstamp人云亦云的人 | runacross偶然碰见


rubbersqueegee橡皮刮刀 | rubberstamp橡皮图章 | rubberstock橡胶混合物