英语人>词典>英汉 : resumptive的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

resumptive [ri'zʌmptiv]


取回的, 恢复的, 再开始的

更多网络例句与resumptive相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These research discussed long-term weightlessness to cause framework coriaceous next bone are lost with resumptive rate, the characteristic that skeletal amyotrophy and function reduce, spinal cord is stimulant reduce, and immune function is reduced with virus once more the relation of activation.


If these people take a walk 20 minutes after the meal, conduce to peristalsis of stimulative stomach bowel, the exudation that conduces to gastric bowel digestive juice and alimental are digested absorb, it is to be helpful for healthy, but should be in at least after the meal after 20 minutes resumptive 100 paces go.


And, the domain name is registered abide by note first get a principle first, once be homonymic enterprise to be noted first, arbitral also hard resumptive.


That thinks resumptive odds is very small.


The film's resumptive time is less than 60s and it has good repeated property.


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更多网络解释与resumptive相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

resumptive pronouns:复指代词

Restricted Logic Grammar 受限逻辑语法 | resumptive pronouns 复指代词 | retroactive inhibition 逆抑制


resumption 恢复 | resumptive 恢复的 | resumptively 概括地

resumptive openner:承上启下式[陶]

restrictive relative clause 限制性關系小句[呂252] | resumptive openner 承上啟下式[陶] | reversal 倒轉[陶]

resumptive pronoun:接應代詞

resultative verb 結果式動詞 | resumptive pronoun 接應代詞 | retained object 保持賓語