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Look! They've rerounded up the dratted rhinos and repacked them in Monica's travel sack.

看!他们把烦人的犀牛拢在一起重新放进了 MONICA 的旅行袋里。

If ropiness occurs, the meat should be removed, washed, and repacked in a clean container.


So the pretty china was repacked, Rose furled her fan, and with several parcels of choice teas for the old ladies stowed away in Dr. Alec's pockets, they took their leave, after Fun had saluted them with "the three bendings and the nine knockings," as they salute the Emperor, or "Son of Heaven," at home.

这么漂亮的中国被重新包装,玫瑰furled她范,并与几个包裹的选择茶为老太太存放在远离博士亚历克的口袋,他们自己的假期,之后的乐趣了慰问他们,&三个bendings和九个knockings &,因为他们敬礼皇帝,或&儿子的天堂&,在家里。

Much has been repacked and reshipped, but some of the returned items are spilled out over the sandy earth at the crossing.


This is the N-Gage 2.0 Application released on June 14, 2008 that I have repacked.

这个N-Gage 2.0程序发布于2008年6月14日,不过我重新打过包啦。

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更多网络解释与repacked相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Repacked cotton:混装棉(指多种品种棉花混和打包)

火损棉[指遭受火灾,受损的棉花]: Fire damaged cotton | 混纺呢[混有少量棉花] : Manipulated cloth | 混装棉(指多种品种棉花混和打包) : Repacked cotton

Shoes must be repacked:鞋子必须翻箱整理

49.Insole should be attached with two staples中底必须使用两支钉,于楦头上 | 50.Shoes must be repacked鞋子必须翻箱整理 | 51.Sock stamp is not correct中底印刷不正确

Shoes must be repacked:鞋子必须翻箱处理

31.Reject the shoes. 鞋子不能接受必须剔除 | 32.Shoes must be repacked鞋子必须翻箱处理 | 33.Sock stampis not correct. 中底印刷不正确