英语人>词典>英汉 : reclusiveness的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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Many, in Japan especially, have assumed that the reclusiveness and backwardness of the North Korean regime, would rule out any opening to the West.


This article tries to make an analysis of the Chinese classical gardens and other cultural phenomenon of the same origin from the angle of vision, and points out that it was "reclusiveness", the Chinese traditional mode of landscape seeing, that has determined the physical form of the Chinese classical gardens.

摘 要:本文尝试从视觉分析中国古典园林及其他同源文化现象,指出是&隐&这种中国传统景观视觉模式决定了中国古典园林的物质空间形态。

Risley says desperate times may have helped coax North Korea away from its usual reclusiveness.


As we were waiting patiently for the new Striborg full length, Southwest Passage, we discovered ANOTHER new Striborg release, a split with a band called Claustrophobia, released on Sin Nanna of Striborg's own label Finsternis Productions, so we contacted Sin Nanna directly the reports of his reclusiveness, living in a shack with no telephone or computer, turned out to be greatly exaggerated!

正当我们耐心等待Striborg的新专辑《Southwest Passage》时,我们发现Striborg另一个新的作品,一张与一支叫&幽闭恐怖症&的乐队的拼盘,由Sin Nanna的Finsternis Productions出品。于是我们直接联系了Sin Nanna(有消息说他已隐居,住在一个没有电话与电脑的小屋里,这其实是夸张的说法),购买了一些这张作品的拷贝。