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proboscis monkey的中文,翻译,解释,例句

proboscis monkey

proboscis monkey的基本解释


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This is the proboscis monkey that lives in Borneo's mangrove swamps.


Beijing was padangan Proboscis Monkey River is a great watch to.


Among the 10 primate species that inhabit this area are the orangutan and proboscis monkey , which live only on borneo


The Proboscis monkey's large cartoon-like nose is actually used to attract females.


Photo Gallery: Monkeys Distinguished by its prominent nose, the endangered proboscis monkey lives only on the island of Borneo, where deforestation threatens its continued existence in the wild.


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更多网络解释与proboscis monkey相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

proboscis monkey:长鼻猴

最北侧展区则再次留给了灵长类动物,黑猩猩(Chimpanzee)、山魈(Mandrill)、长鼻猴(Proboscis Monkey)以及松鼠猴(Squirrel Monkey)依次占据它们自己的领地.

Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey:游览長鼻猴自然保育中心

01:00PM 午餐: 海邊吃山打跟珍奇海鲜 | Lunch: Seafood Feast | 03:30PM 游览長鼻猴自然保育中心 | Labuk Bay Proboscis Monkey | 04:15PM 享用出炉超薄蛋挞 | Enjoy fresh from the oven mini egg tart