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更多网络例句与press-button相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

O# q To those who say this is Press Copy, you are fuktards.

那些说这个版本是Press Copy版(不知道press指媒体还是出版社)的人,你们是屏蔽词语(--原意感觉更激烈吧。。

A long shot, but perhaps Moffat could reward Fletcher for helping his early show Press Gang take off? As the rebellious teen Spike Thompson, his American accent was so convincing that viewers were shocked when he popped up as presenter on Gamesmaster

机会不大,但是可能会因为其早期参与Press Gang的演出,会帮助他使Moffat对其格外嘉奖(Press Gang制作人为SM大神的父亲Bill Moffat,囧)。

Whether the authors of the Press Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution intended to incorporate the lessons of Zenger's case is debatable, since nearly all the new American states adopted English common law, including its rules on the press, when they became independent. When Congress passed a Sedition Act in 1798 during the quasi-war with France, it allowed truth as a defense to libels allegedly made against the president and government of the United States.

鉴于几乎所有美国新成立的州在独立时都采用英国普通法,包括其中对新闻出版的规定,因此,很难说宪法《第一条修正案》的&新闻出版条款&(&Press Clause&)的起草人是否有意采纳曾格案的教训。1789年国会在美国与法国的短暂冲突中通过的《煽动叛乱法》,允许在对有关诽谤美国总统和政府罪的指控作出反驳时,把真相作为辩护的依据。

更多网络解释与press-button相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

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