英语人>词典>英汉 : posteroinferior的中文,翻译,解释,例句



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Van Beek's activator appliance could restrict the growth of maxilla and stimulate the growth of mandible in horizontal direction and control jaws posteroinferior rotation , lower front teeth and elongate mandibular molar in vertical direction.


Posteroinferior cerebellar artery traced in a crook course and usually formed three loops, which got in touch with glossopharyngeal nerve with a shallow pressed mark.


Results:① The distance between handle of malleus and stapes head was(2.38±0.19)cm(2.00~2.70cm), the point selecting for measuring was outer margin of handle of malleus and stpes head.②The cross section form of one_third of the handle of malleus at the end, was triangle, the anteroposterior diameter of handle of malleus was(0.79±0.12)mm, the exterior and interior diameter was(0.58±0.10)mm at the crook point,the angle of line of manubrium mallei laid(83.24±8.33)°(66~98°)posteroinferior to arch of zygoma.③The long axis of prosthesis formed(27.60±1.75)°(24.6~30.2°)angle with the perpendicular of stapes.④The dependablity between the malleus_stapes distance and transverse diameter of tympanum, the location of umbo in tympanic membrane, the diameter of manubrium mallei, angle of line of manubrium mallei and arch of zygoma were not statistically significant.


The recoery rate was calculated as follows;(JOA score at follow up_preoperatie JOA score)/(17 _ preoperatie JOA score) _ 100,15 and the surgical outcomes were classified into four grades based on the calculated recoery rate; excellent: recoery rate 75% or higher, good: 50–75%, fair: 25–50%, and poor: lower than 25%. Ealuation was made on radiographic findings, including the range of motion and the jaw diameter (a measured line from the posteroinferior corner of the ertebral body to the anterior aspect of the subjacent lamina) at the adjacent leels in group A and the affected leels in group B and the spinal canal diameter at the C4 leel in both groups. The C4 leel was chosen for this measurement, because the spinal canal is usually narrowest at this leel.


The primary fracture line coursed from anterolateral to posteromedial, and from anterosuperior to posteroinferior.


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