英语人>词典>英汉 : polynya的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

polynya ['pɔliniə]


[地]冰间湖, 冰穴(尤指北极海面的未结冰处)

更多网络例句与polynya相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The bergs are obstructing the ocean circulation created by the polynya, and could deprive local marine life of oxygen if they don't move.


The two icebergs have since drifted into a polynya , which is an area of open water that's surrounded by sea ice but stays unfrozen for much or all of the year.


With the developing of sea ice researches, more new scientific questions are raised, such as the interaction between sea ice and the other factors of global climate system, the seasonal and regional distributions of Polar sea ice thickness, Polar sea ice boundary and area changing trend, sea ice growth, melt and its influencing factors, the role of the polynya and sea/air interactions.


In this paper,the advanced microwave scanning radiometer data and the polynya signature simulation method are used to detect the sea ice in the Bohai Sea and to extract the sea ice edge information.


更多网络解释与polynya相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


polynomial 多项式多项的 | polynya 冰湖 | polynya 冰湖;浮冰穴


polynya 冰湖 | polynya 冰湖;浮冰穴 | polynyi 冰湖


冰前石脊 protalus rampat | 冰前沼 polynya | 冰壳 foam crust

polynya:冰间湖; 冰穴

Polynesia Line, Ltd.;波利尼西亚航运有限公司;PLL; | polynya;冰间湖; 冰穴;; | polyol;多元醇; 多羟基化合物;;

shore polynya:岸边冰湖

shore pipe 排泥管 | shore polynya 岸边冰湖 | shore power connection box 岸电接线箱

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