英语人>词典>英汉 : plastic deformation的中文,翻译,解释,例句
plastic deformation的中文,翻译,解释,例句

plastic deformation

plastic deformation的基本解释

[化] 塑性变形

更多网络例句与plastic deformation相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In chapter 2, the physical nature of the plastic deformation is introduced.


However, sometimes we can take advantage of plastic deformation.


It is obvious that grain size plays a very important role in the plastic deformation of the poly-grained IQCs.


It is assumed that the plastic deformation is incompressible.


However, how to use the severe plastic deformation and analyze its effects on alloy structure is need to deeply study.


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更多网络解释与plastic deformation相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

plastic deformation:塑性变形

塑性变形(plastic deformation). 当受到外力,如机械或温度应力时,它会发生不可逆变的塑性变形. 通常是从晶体结合的一些平行平面开始,它可能在全部或局部(点内)进行,看应力水平、应变率、温度和材料特性而定. 连续的或周期性的塑性变形最终导致焊点断裂.

plastic deformation:塑性形变

物体处在一个持续应力作用的状态下,不断发生形变但很缓慢,需数小时到数天的时间才能产生塑性形变(plastic deformation). 在临床治疗中常用的牵引治疗(traction therapy)(6,7)、动态夹板(dynamic splinting)(8)等疗法就是通过在挛缩关节的近远端肢体上施加一恒定的力,

plastic deformation:地基应力和变形塑性变形

地基应力和变形瞬时沉降immediate settlement | 地基应力和变形塑性变形plastic deformation | 地基应力和变形谈弹性变形elastic deformation

plastic deformation:金属塑性

金属的相融、相融温度、晶体反应及合金在共晶合金、固熔孻共晶合金及偏晶反应的比较 Equilibrium Comparision | 金属塑性 Plastic Deformation | 滑动面 Slip Plan

elastic plastic deformation:弹塑性形变

elastic plastic body 弹塑性体 | elastic plastic deformation 弹塑性形变 | elastic plastic equilibrium 弹塑性平衡

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