英语人>词典>英汉 : planetology的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

planetology [,plæni'tɔlədʒi]



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This article adopts the method of comparative planetology, suggesting that meteorite-stricken event is the widespread geological process in the solar system, and the meteorite-stricken case occurred on the earth is the same as it did in other earth-like planets in the solar system.


Astronomy is becoming an increasingly essential part in earth sciences, particularly in the fields involving life science; the emergence of astrobiology and comparative planetology in recent years just reflects this growing trend.


Hence, the study on planetary volcanism is a key part of comparative planetology. Study the volcanism of celestial bodies of Solar system could provide significant knowledge for the understanding of the formation and evolution of the planets, deep and surface processes, metallogenesis, and initiation of life.


This article adopts the method of comparative planetology, suggests that meteorite strike event is the universal geological process in solar system, and the meteorite strike case occurred in the earth is as the same it did in other terrestrial planets.


This article adopts the metho d of comparative planetology, suggests that meteorite strike event is the universal geological process in solar system, and the meteorite strike case occurred in the earth is as the same it did in other terrestrial planets.


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更多网络解释与planetology相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


在行星学(planetology)上,指行星形成时,物质向中心塌陷所释放出来的热能. 球状星团的赫罗图上,有部份的恒星分布在红巨星和主序星之间. 因为它们在赫罗图的分布,几乎是水平的,故称为水平分支. 天琴RR变星(RRLyraestars)就是星团水平分支的一部份.


4151,"planetary constitution","惑星内部" | 4152,"planetology","惑星学" | 4153,"planet","惑星"

planetology:行星学 (名)

planetoid 小行星 (名) | planetology 行星学 (名) | plangent 轰鸣的, 凄切的 (形)

comparative planetology:比较行星学

comparative measurement 比较测定 | comparative planetology 比较行星学 | comparator 比较器比长仪

International Association of Planetology:国际行星学协会

International Association of Physical Oceanography,国际物... | International Association of Planetology,国际行星学协会,IAP, | International Association of Plant Breeders for the Protection of Plant Var...