英语人>词典>英汉 : pedes的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

pedes ['pedi:z; 'pi:-]


[医] 足

更多网络例句与pedes相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You still seeingthat nurse in pedes?


But once a pedes trian passes by, he will keep nodding his head slightly and auto matically as if a gust of wind had forced him to do so.


I cross over the pedes–trian overpass.


Concerning the main difficulties the PEDEs encounter,the paper firstly establishes a competitiveness index system of Chinese PEDEs,and then makes an empirical study of several PEDEs from three dimensions of the index system: service level,timing level and price level,finally,suggestions are put forward to help the PEDEs foster their competitiveness.


The head capsules were red in the full-grown larva, larval abdominal pedes, pronotum, epiproct, and scopulae were black.


更多网络解释与pedes相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

pedes natatorii:游泳足

栉形触角 pectinate antenna | 游泳足 pedes natatorii | 花梗 pedicel

PeLAjaR, JeNdrAL POLSEK Pedes:職業

公司: CV. Ngingas Jaya | 職業: PeLAjaR, JeNdrAL POLSEK Pedes | 社交團體: Kristen

You still seeingthat nurse in pedes:你还和儿科那个护士约会

Or we could justmake small talk.|不然我也可以跟你闲聊 | You still seeingthat nurse in pedes?|你还和儿科那个护士约会? | I just don't think she's right for you.|我觉得她不适合你

SD Pedes, SMP PL Sedayu, STEMSADA:學校(其他)

星座: Pisces | 學校(其他): SD Pedes, SMP PL Sedayu, STEMSADA | 公司: CV. Ngingas Jaya