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Objective To explore the hemocytological and hemochemical changes in peafowls with infectious laryngotracheitisafter treatment with Chinese medicine S-anti-virus composite mixture.

目的 探讨中药复方S-抗毒合剂治疗传染性喉气管炎后血液细胞和血液化学的变化。

Objective To explore the hemocytological and hemochemical changes in peafowls with infectious laryngotracheitisafter treatment with Chinese medicine S-anti-virus composite mixture.

摘 要]目的探讨中药复方S-抗毒合剂治疗传染性喉气管炎后血液细胞和血液化学的变化。

Moreover,serum IgM was up-regulated in ILT peafowls at2weeks and significantly at4weeks after treatment with this composite mixture.


Total of 161 and 166 bands were obtained respectively,and 23 random primers were used to amplify the genomic DNA of the wild and captive green peafowls.The average relative hereditary distance of the wild and captive green peafowls is 0.0555 and 0.1355 respectively;and the Shannon diversity index is 0.4348 and 1.0163 respectively.There is a prominent differentia between the two populations by T-Test of HO.


Results This Chinese medicine composite mixture increased the counts of RBC,HGB,and PCT,and decreased the activity of liver zymo-gram,and improved the renal functions in ILT peafowls.

结果 该药能提高ILT孔雀的RBC、HGB和PCT ,降低肝功酶谱活性,改善损伤的肾功指标,且在用中药2周内使血清IgM升高;4周时IgA显著升高。

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