英语人>词典>英汉 : obligati的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇


更多网络例句与obligati相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Article 55. It is the sacred obligati on of every citizen


But this,so far from lightening my obligati**,only adds to their weight


We don't have any different opini***** about the contractual obligati***** of both parties.


The negotiati***** on the rights and obligati***** of the parties under contract turned out to be very successful.


The long established Chinese moral system of value, though accompanied by some negative effects, retains its rationality and significance in our contemporary society with the principles, adhered to by the Chinese, of moral obligati...


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更多网络解释与obligati相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

rights and obligati:权利和义务

59. 全民所有制企业:an enterprise owned by the whole people | 60. 权利和义务:rights and obligati** | 61. 擅自变更或者解除(民事法律行为):alter or rescind one's act arbitrarily

rights and obligati:认股权和待付款

294 rights 认股权 | 295 rights and obligati** 认股权和待付款 | 296 rights to information 对信息的认股权

perform. our duties and fulfill our obligati:责任和义务

港口经营多元化diversification in port operation | 责任和义务perform our duties and fulfill our obligati** | 地区行业盛会a well-known regional event of the industry

transfer all or part of its contractual rights or obligati** to a third:将合同的权利、义务全部或部分转让给第三人

37. 监护人:guardian | 38. 将合同的权利、义务全部或部分转让给第三人:transfer all or part of its contractual rights or obligati** to a third ** | 39. 经常居住地:habitual residence