英语人>词典>英汉 : notional word的中文,翻译,解释,例句
notional word的中文,翻译,解释,例句

notional word

notional word的基本解释

实义词, 实字

更多网络例句与notional word相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In"V de dao〓", the word"dao"is a notional verb used as complement of result. In"V de dao〓","dao" has no real meaning and is used as a formal complement. In"V de dao〓","dao" means"enough".


Besides Im discussing that notional means configurable characteristic phraseological function and rhetorical characteristic of word of description.


Among them in order to connect false word, Gu Jin different justice, one word is much justice, parts of words is used alive, slant justice 5 kinds of phenomena such as answer word are most typical, if examinee can be in,for reference when these substantival phenomena in seizing teaching material closely, undertake appropriate classify is summed up, be familiar with metabolic rule, so, although check does not have confident notional word, also can figure roughly the meaning that gives it.


更多网络解释与notional word相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

notional word:实词

[注一]属于前六类(名,代,形,数,动,副等词)的词都有实义,叫做实词(notional word).属 于后四类(冠,介,连,感等词)的词没有实义,叫做虚词(form word). [注二]不少词可以属于几个词类, 如work(工作; 动词和名词), fast(快; 形容词和副词),

notional word:概念词

notion 观念 | notional word 概念词 | noumenon 本体

notional word:实义词

full 實義的;實體的;實詞的 | notional word 實義詞 | full morpheme 實語位