英语人>词典>英汉 : myelin sheath的中文,翻译,解释,例句
myelin sheath的中文,翻译,解释,例句

myelin sheath

myelin sheath的基本解释

[医] 髓鞘

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Brain biopsy revealed severe damage to the myelin sheath. Question is,why?


Surrounding the axon is a myelin sheath, which is actually just insulation.


In multiple sclerosis, there is patchy loss and scarring of this myelin sheath Sclerosis means scars.


Objective To investigate the X-irradiation effect on the myelin sheath and axon of the spinal cord.

摘 要:目的探讨X射线对脊髓轴索和髓鞘的作用。

To destroy or remove the myelin sheath of, as through disease.


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myelin sheath:髓鞘

有的轴突外围以髓鞘(myelin sheath),称为有髓神经纤维(myelinaied nerve fiber);无鞘者称为无髓神经纤维(nonmyelinated nerve fiber). 轴突的长短,各种神经细胞差异很大,如运动神经细胞的轴突可长达1m,而有些神经细胞的轴突只有十余um.

myelin sheath:髓燐脂鞘

"髓燐脂形","myelin form" | "髓燐脂鞘","myelin sheath" | "产生抗体细胞的癌","myeloma"

Area of myelin sheath:髓鞘面积

玉米纹枯病:maize sheath blight | 髓鞘面积:Area of myelin sheath | 髓鞘横断面:Cross section of myelin sheath

medullary sheath;myelin sheath:髓鞘

髓腔 pulp cavity | 髓鞘 medullary sheath;myelin sheath | 髓鞘质; 髓磷酯 myelin

Cross section of myelin sheath:髓鞘横断面

髓鞘面积:Area of myelin sheath | 髓鞘横断面:Cross section of myelin sheath | 隐身:plasma stealth

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