英语人>词典>英汉 : mum's the word的中文,翻译,解释,例句
mum's the word的中文,翻译,解释,例句

mum's the word

mum's the word的基本解释


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Mum's the word on the surprise party.


Mum's the word.


Remember, not have itching ears outside, mum's the word.


Time will tell - but mum's the word for now.


If you promise to keep quiet about something you say mum's the word.

&mum's the word &这个短语来自于莎士比亚的《亨利六世》。

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更多网络解释与mum's the word相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Mum's the word:我不会告诉别人(mum 表示沉默)

48、 I am stressed. 我压力太大了. | 49、 Mum's the word. 我不会告诉别人(mum 表示沉默) | 50、 Whatever suits your fancy. 只要和你意就好.

Mum's the word:别告诉别人

One final word.最后一句 | Mum's the word.别告诉别人 | Where're you from?你是哪里人

Mum's the word:(别声张!) *要求别说出去

Don't blab this to anyone! (别对什么人都唠叨这事. ) | Mum's the word! (别声张!) *要求别说出去. | Don't be so talkative! (别多嘴. ) *talkative "多嘴多舌的"、"好说话的".

Mum's the word:保密

have money burn 烧钱,比喻某人富有 | mum's the word 保密 | pack rat 什么都不肯扔的人

But that's a big secret. mum's the word, okay:但这可是个大秘密 保密 好吗

That's great. he'll love that. he'll love that.|太棒了 他会喜欢的 他会喜欢的 | But that's a big secret. mum's the word, okay?|但这可是个大秘密 保密 好吗? | Who am l gonna tell?|我会告诉谁呢?