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mouse and man的中文,翻译,解释,例句

mouse and man

mouse and man的基本解释


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To a certain extent you play a never-ending game with them, cat and mouse, blind man's buff, hide and seek.


It includes the following pictures——the huge dragon puffing away, a fierce tiger dashing down a mountain, a jade hare holding up its head, Chang'E fluttering in the moon, the bull-Devil leaving its cave-dwelling, the Monkey King leaving its mountain, man and ape playing with dog, carp jumping in a pool, cat going angling, large mouse patrolling a mountain, a heavenly horse soaring across the sky and so on.


Guidance is a cat and mouse game between an overweight man in his fifties and the young Carl Arendsen, who wants to establish himself as a therapist. In the opening scene, we see Carl be inspired by a confrontational workshop. The man in his fifties is Roy Blomberg, who was wrestling with a plethora of psychosomatic complaints and has been home for 18 months. The locum who replaces his general practitioner one day is convinced that Roy's problems are between his ears. Roy's wife happens to meet a self-assured Carl, who adopts an unconventional methodology. After a little pressure, the husband gives in to his wife and withdraws with Carl to his spartan hut in the Swedish countryside.

这是38届的鹿特丹国际电影节,我在到了影院之后,拿了份schedule看,但是荷兰文,看不懂,故放包之,这次在电影节上映的电影大部分都是一些非主流的电影,不是那么商业化,唯一让大家都知道的估计就是《Slumdog Millionaire》了,至于其它的电影,我在看了好多好多海报之后,都不知道几部,最后晃了半天,我决定看一部叫做《Guidance》的电影,我之所以选这部是因为在那个时间段要放的几部片子我都不懂片名,它们像是西班牙文又似葡萄牙文还似法文貌似又像意大利文,最后没办法,我只认识Guidance这个单字,票价9欧,还算合理。

更多网络解释与mouse and man相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

a church mouse:一贫如洗

13. a dog-eat-dog world 人吃人的世界 | 14. a church mouse 一贫如洗 | 15. mouse and man 芸芸众生

like a drowned mouse:非常狼狽

3. as poor as a church mouse 一貧如洗 | 4. like a drowned mouse 非常狼狽 | 5. mouse and man 一切生靈;芸芸眾生