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mitomycin 丝裂霉素(抗肿瘤药), market if touched 触及市价, milled in transit (商品)在运输途中(中间站)加工的, minimum individual training 最低程度的单独训练

更多网络例句与mit相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

These include the MIT Symphony and String Chamber Orchestras, Wind Ensemble, Festival Jazz Ensemble, Chamber Music Society, Concert Choir, Chamber Chorus, Gamelan Galak-Tika and the Senegalese performing ensemble, RAMBAX MIT.

这些团体包括:麻省理工学院交响乐团、室内弦乐队、管乐队、爵士汇演乐队、室内音乐社团、音乐会合唱团、室内合唱团、Gamelan Galak-Tika、塞内加尔表演队、RAMBAX MIT。

At the beginning of the *** the writher introduces the background of the project, the document analysis of the related research, the research design and research methods; therefore the writher elaborates the basic theories——Post-modern Perspective on Curriculum, Dialogue Theory and Instructional Design Theory used in this ***. In the third section of the *** the writer has compared the running and Open Educational Resources between Chinese Open Courseware and MIT OCW by statistical analysis. The writer focuses on the analysis of guiding resources, learning resources, developing resources, evaluation resources and interactive resources. In the forth section the writer has summed up the difference between Chinese Quality Open Courseware and MIT OCW, then arrived some comparative significance conclusions which will do good at Open Educational Resources of Chinese Quality Open Courseware. At the end of the ***, the writer has summarized the limitation of the research and promoted the following-up study of this study in future.

头后介绍课题的研讨背景、研讨现状、研讨设计和研讨方式;交灭闭于本研讨的实际基本——后现代课程观、闭于话实际和教受教养设计实际的从要观里入行阐述;第三章做者通功统计剖析比拟邦度粗品课程取MIT OCW两个项纲的概略和开放教导资流,反沉闭于开放教导资流外的指里资流、教习资流、拓铺资流、评价资流和互动资流入行剖析;第四章做者反在第三章的基本长入行分解和谈论,形败了一些闭于人邦邦度粗品课程开放教导资流建设无还鉴意义的比拟解论;反在本研讨最末做者道亮研讨所亡反在的一些出无脚,并闭于本研讨的后续研讨入行了铺望。

Unusual tools: In the 1980s Stallman left MIT's payroll but continued to work from an office at MIT.


更多网络解释与mit相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

mit gr?Brer Energie:(德)非常有力量地

mit groBer Wildheit(德)非常狂暴、粗野地. | mit gr?Brer Energie(德)非常有力量地. | mit halber Stimme(德)用半声(mezza voce).

mit FluB:(德)流动地,流畅地

mit Feuer(德)如火地,火热地,热情洋溢地. | mit FluB(德)流动地,流畅地. | mit Freiem(德)自由地.

mit Pathos:(德)激情地,慷慨激昂地,庄严振奋地

mit Parodie(德)滑稽地,嘲弄地. | mit Pathos(德)激情地,慷慨激昂地,庄严振奋地. | mit Pedalgebrauch(德)用踏板.