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Albania, Montenegro, bosnia, and Bulgaria received many Minorites in the thirteenth century, about which period many of the order occupied the archiepiscopal See of Antivari, and in 1340, Peregrinus of Saxony was nominated first Bishop of Bosnia.

阿尔巴尼亚,黑山,波斯尼亚,保加利亚收到了许多少数民族中的13世纪,这期间的许多被占领的顺序的archiepiscopal见的Antivari ,并在1340年,官萨克森州首次被提名主教的波斯尼亚。

The two Genoese ships which circumnavigated Africa in 1291 had two Minorites on board.


The Scotist doctrines were also supported by many Minorites, of whose purity of purpose there can be no doubt, and of whom many have been included in the catalogue of saints and beati eg Sts.


This action, contrary to the practice and expressed sentiments of his predecessors, placed the Minorites on exactly the same footing as the other orders, and was a harsh provision for an order which had laboured so untiringly in the interests of the Church.


The popes have often employed the Minorites as legates and nuncios, eg to pave the way for and carry through the reunion of the Greeks, Tatars, Armenians, Maronites, and other schismatics of the East.

教皇常常雇用少数人作为legates和nuncios ,例如铺平道路和贯彻团聚的希腊人,鞑靼人,亚美尼亚人,马龙派教徒,和其他schismatics东。

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minorites autochtones:土著少数群体

autonomous district;自治州;; | minorites autochtones;土著少数群体;; | court of record;保管诉讼记录的法院;;