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That is what I metic...


The expression of proliferating cell nuclear antigen in each group was detected by immuno-histochemistry method. The cell cycle distribution was measured by flow cyto- metic analysis.


The third part of this work focuses on thestudy of biomèmetic films in somewhatpractical environments by means of FTIR,resonanceRaman,Ultraviolet-Visable spectroscopy.


These patients were told that there were three operation methods for them to select.We also told patients the operation-relative informaˉtion such as the site,length and number of operative incision,the degree of damage to body,the complication,the cosˉmetic effect,and the operation cost for each operation ways.


Persecution is used in t h eology, not in arit h metic, because in arit h metic t h ere is knowledge, but in t h eology t h ere is only opinion.


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更多网络解释与metic相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]


343. 门楚 Menchu, Rigoberta | 345. 客籍民 metic | 346. 大都会区 metropolitan area


麦哲伦 Magellan | 麦提克 metic | 十二画 杰弗逊 Thomas Jefferson

metic system:公制

measurement ton 尺码吨 | metic system 公制 | metic ton 公吨

metic ton:公吨

metic system 公制 | metic ton 公吨 | net weight 净重

Arith metic:常数

Analog Meter,Ba Gragh 改变颜色刻度 | Arith metic 常数(c=VAR-xxx) | Layout 文本元素(在行内和块文本内)

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