英语人>词典>英汉 : metachromatic的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标,拼写相似词汇

metachromatic [,metəkrəu'mætik]


[医] 异染性的

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The penetration of MPS becomes apparent by the pronounced metachromatic staining in corium and subcutis; i.e. cells, fibres and ground substance show an intense reddish-violet staining due to the deposition of MPS.


But the residual cells were survival and secreted metachromatic staining proteoglycan with toluidine blue, which was characteristic cartilage matrix.


After marking LMWC with FITC, the average molecular weight of HMWC and LMWC were determined by HPLC. The average amino group content of chitosan was determined by metachromatic titration using Xylidine Tonceau 2R C.I.


After 3 weeks, some cells turned to round shape and secreted metachromatic matrix. The cartilaginoid grafts composed of chondrogenic MSC.


Objective To analyze the clinical characteristics of metachromatic leukodystrophy and evaluate the diagnostic values of computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and measuring arysulfatase A activity in peripheral leukocytes.

目的 分析异染性脑白质营养不良的临床特征,评价头颅CT、MRI及白细胞芳基硫酸酯酶A对MLD的诊断价值。

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Metachromatic granule:异染颗粒

1)异染颗粒(metachromatic granule)又名转菌素(volutin). 它是一种强嗜碱性颗粒,主要成分为多聚偏磷酸盐,可能还含有RNA、蛋白质、脂类和镁,可用甲苯胺兰或次甲基蓝等蓝色染料染成红. 在生长平衡期形成,幼龄细胞中的异染颗粒很小,随着菌龄的增加而变大.

Metachromatic granule:异染粒

异染粒(metachromatic granule), 又称迂回体,这是因其最早在迂回螺菌(Spirillum volutans)中发现之故. 异染颗粒大小为 0.5~ l um,它是无机偏磷酸的聚合物. 异染粒分子呈线状,n 值在2~106 间. 其功能是贮藏磷元素和能量,并可降低渗透压.

Metachromatic granule:异染小粒

\\"异染色质的\\",\\"metachromatic\\" | \\"异染小粒\\",\\"metachromatic granule\\" | \\"异染,异染性染色\\",\\"metachromatic stain\\"

Metachromatic granule:异染性颗粒

message 信息 | metachromatic granule 异染性颗粒 | metarteriole 后微动脉


metachromasia 异染性 | metachromatic 异染性的 | metadrenaline 变肾上腺素[肾上腺素代谢物]

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