英语人>词典>英汉 : melamed的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

melamed [mə'lɑ:məd]



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But Mr Melamed saw that financial futures would one day be far larger than the commodities market.

但是Leo Melamed 却看出金融期货的规模必定会在商品市场上占据更大的规模。

But Mr Melamed saw that financial futures would one day be far larger than the commodities market.

但是 Melamed认为有一天在期货市场中,金融期货将远远超过大宗货物期货。

In 1972 a former lawyer named Leo Melamed was clever enough to see a business in this and launched currency futures on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

在1972年,一个曾经做过律师的人十分聪明,参透了其中的商机,在芝加哥商品交易所发起了汇率期货的交易,此人名叫Leo Melamed 。

Later researchers loosened Calabresi and Melamed's hypotheses of complete information and successful transaction and continued to deeply study how such factors as different transaction cost,incomplete information,efficiency of prior investment affect the choice between the property rule and the liability rule.


Rabbi Eliezer Melamed - the rabbi of the Shomron town of Har Brachah, has published a short work explaining the historic and religious significance of the day.

拉比埃利泽梅拉米德-拉比舒姆龙镇的H arb rachah,发表了简短的工作,解释历史和宗教意义的一天。

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Leo Melamed:芝加哥商品交易所名誉主席、创始人

Leo Melamed 芝加哥商品交易所名誉主席、创始人 | Daniel Mcfadden 诺贝尔经济学奖获得者 | Peter Sands 渣打银行全球总裁