英语人>词典>英汉 : median age的中文,翻译,解释,例句
median age的中文,翻译,解释,例句

median age

median age的基本解释


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There were 9 males and 17 females, with a median age of 20 years.


RESULTS: The median patient age was 48 years.


The median age of diagnosis was 46 years.


Results The median age was 47 years and there were 9 men and 21 women.

结果 患者中位年龄47岁,其中男9例,女21例。

Methods:Of which 23 were males,9 females with a median age of 56 years.


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更多网络解释与median age相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

median age:中位数年龄

加拿大统计局昨天公布的最新数据显示,加国的老人愈来愈多,中位数年龄(median age)创下历史最高纪录,但仍属于较年轻的发达国家之一. 卑诗省则是加西中位数年龄最高的省份.

median age:年龄中位数

吴资政指出,新加坡人口迅速老化,到了2050年,人口的年龄中位数(median age)预计将上升到54岁,也就是每两人中有一人54岁或更老. 根据联合国人口司的预测,到时新加坡将成为世界上老年人口比例第四高的地区,排在澳门、日本和韩国之后.

median age:年龄中值

immunocompromised免疫妥协的 | Median age 年龄中值 | solitary单生的,单独的

median age at menarche:月经初潮的平均年龄

5.media access mode 媒体接入模式 | 6.median age at menarche 月经初潮的平均年龄 | 7.Medical Aspects of Medicine >(杂志)

median age at first marriage:初婚年龄中位数

medially 向中线 | median age at first marriage 初婚年龄中位数 | median arcuate ligament 正中弓状韧带

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