英语人>词典>英汉 : live load的中文,翻译,解释,例句
live load的中文,翻译,解释,例句

live load

live load的基本解释


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They belong to one of two bread categories: dead load and live load.


Snow is another live load that is treated as a separate category.


They allow Jack to live, and load him into the waiting car at the escape point.


From the comparison of the numerical example with the finite element program, the results showed that they are in good agreement under static and live load.


Where G and Q are the total dead and live load on the span, respectively.

其中G和 Q分别是跨度上的静荷载和活荷载。

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更多网络解释与live load相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

live load:活荷载

所谓活荷载(live load)是和恒荷载(dead load)相对定义的,也称之为可变荷载(variable load),是指在结构使用期间,其值随时间变化,且其变化与平均值相比不可忽略不计的荷载.

live load:活载重

(1) 铁块质量分为静载重 (dead load) 与活载重 (live load) 两部份. a. 静载重 (dead load) 是用以模拟结构物本身的自重,因此其设计必须完全固定於楼板. 每一个 楼层每层楼至少需放置两块铁块,总静载重铁块至少12块.

live load:活荷载;活载重

live crack 活裂缝 | live load 活荷载;活载重 | live wire 火线;带电电线

live load:工作负载,实用负载

lcheelstretoher 担架车 | live load 工作负载,实用负载 | liver 肝

floor live load:楼面活载

floor joist 楼板梁 | floor live load 楼面活载 | floor opening 楼板孔

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