英语人>词典>英汉 : limit gauge的中文,翻译,解释,例句
limit gauge的中文,翻译,解释,例句

limit gauge

limit gauge的基本解释

[化] 极限量规

更多网络例句与limit gauge相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Strip limit minimum rollable gauge and minimum rollable gauge considering productivity are analyzed and derived using new rolling pressure model, work roll surface temperature rise formulae is derived on the basis of mill stand thermal balance. The affecting factors of work roll surface temperature and the influences on the choice of roll size are discussed.


In view of the traditional making technology of smooth limit gauge,a method of plating surface is put forward.


A software for designing the smooth limit gauge was produced by using the inner AutoLISP of AutoCAD.


It ranges from 10~(-2) to 5×10~(-10) torr. In this paper, the method which extends the upper limit of B-A gauge and the characteristics at high pressure are described.

本文介绍此规管在拓宽 BA计上限方面所采取的措施及BA计在高压强时的特性。

Descrbing the inside and outside widening on curve track, a method of calculating the obstructing gauge limit at curve area is put forward, and a new graphical method to compute the coordinate location where the fouling point or signal will be installed is explained in detail.


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更多网络解释与limit gauge相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

limit gauge:限规

ligthing paraphernalia 照明器具 | limit gauge 限规 | Limit Switch 限制开关

limit gauge:极限规

limit bridge 限量电桥 | limit gauge 极限规 | limit indicator 极限指示器

limit gauge:极限量规

limit doze 极限剂量 | limit gauge 极限量规 | limit of accuracy 精确限度

limit gauge:限界

limit design ==> 極限設計,限界設計 | limit gauge ==> 限界ゲージ | limit of error ==> 誤差限界,確度

limit gauge system:极限规制

limit gauge 极限规 | limit gauge system 极限规制 | limit of accommodation 调节极限

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