英语人>词典>英汉 : lierre的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

lierre [li:'eə]



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Another convent was founded at Antwerp for English ladies (1619), who were reinforced by Dutch sisters; in 1623 it was detached from the order and placed under the bishop, and in its turn made foundations at Lierre in 1648, and Hoogstraeten in 1678, all of which became the abode of many noble English ladies during the times of penal laws.

另一个修道院创建于安特卫普为英语女装( 1619 ),他们加强了荷兰语姐妹1623 ,它是脱离了秩序和划归主教,并在其又分基金会在利埃尔于1648年,并霍赫斯特拉滕在1678年,所有这些都成了居留权的许多崇高的英语女士们,在时代的刑法。

Another convent was founded at Antwerp for English ladies (1619), who were reinforced by Dutch sisters; in 1623 it was detached from the order and placed under the bishop, and in its turn made foundations at Lierre in 1648, and Hoogstraeten in 1678, all of which became the abode of many noble English ladies during the times of penal laws.

另一个修道院创建於安特卫普为英语女装( 1619 ),他们加强了荷兰语姐妹1623 ,它是脱离了秩序和划归主教,并在其又分基金会在利埃尔於1648年,并霍赫斯特拉滕在1678年,所有这些都成了居留权的许多崇高的英语女士们,在时代的刑法。

After a short stay in the neighbourhood of London the community of Antwerp divided into two sections, one proceeding to America, the other settling ultimately at Lanherne in Cornwall, whence they sent out an offshoot which finally settled at Wells in Somerset (1870); the community of Lierre found a home at Darlington, Co.

经过了短暂的停留在附近的伦敦社会的安特卫普分为两个部分,一个程序中,以美国,其他的解决,最终在lanherne康沃尔,何时,他们派出的一个分支,最终收于井萨默塞特( 1870年);社区利埃尔找到了家在达灵顿,公司达勒姆( 1830 ),并认为霍赫斯特拉滕,经过多次徘徊,收于去年在奇切斯特,苏塞克斯有限公司,在1870年。

After a short stay in the neighbourhood of London the community of Antwerp divided into two sections, one proceeding to America, the other settling ultimately at Lanherne in Cornwall, whence they sent out an offshoot which finally settled at Wells in Somerset (1870); the community of Lierre found a home at Darlington, Co.

经过了短暂的停留在附近的伦敦社会的安特卫普分为两个部分,一个程序中,以美国,其他的解决,最终在lanherne康沃尔,何时,他们派出的一个分支,最终收於井萨默塞特( 1870年);社区利埃尔找到了家在达灵顿,公司达勒姆( 1830 ),并认为霍赫斯特拉滕,经过多次徘徊,收於去年在奇切斯特,苏塞克斯有限公司,在1870年。

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Yi 彝语, 彝人 | lierre 常春藤色 | beyond debate 无疑义, 无可争辩


Liegnitz 累格尼察 | Lierre 利耶尔 | Ligny 林尼

lierre n.m:常春藤

lier v.t. 连接,捆绑,束缚 | lierre n.m. 常春藤 | lieu n.m. 地方,场所