英语人>词典>英汉 : italicizing的中文,翻译,解释,例句



[变形] italicize的现在分词


用斜体字排字, 在字下划横线

更多网络例句与italicizing相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Make use of italicizing, CAPITALS, underlining, bolding, indentations, and bullets to emphasize your important points.

利用 italicizing 使用,大写,下划线,粗体,缩进,和子弹强调你的重要点。

UBB Code is similar to HTML, but offers just a few basic functions, such as hyperlinking, image display, bolding and italicizing.


Italicizing the upper extremity of the pitch spectrum with flute or piccolo.


Nearly a month ago, British High Court Justice Peter Smith, who handed down a ruling that Brown had not plagiarized his book, had embedded his own secret message in his judgment by italicizing letters scattered throughout the 71-page document.


Obama to task for self-consciously italicizing parallels between himself and Lincoln, there are in fact a host of uncanny correspondences between these two former Illinois state legislators who had short stints in Congress under their belts before coming to national prominence with speeches showcasing their eloquence: two cool, self-contained men, who managed to stay calm and graceful under pressure; two stoics embracing the virtues of moderation and balance; two relatively new politicians who were initially criticized for their lack of experience and for questioning an invasion of a country that, in Lincoln's words, was "in no way molesting, or menacing the U.S."
