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更多网络例句与isthmi相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The nucleus isthmi of lower vertebrates is an important visual center closely related to the optic tectum .

低等脊椎动物的峡核(Nucleus isthmi,NI)是与视顶盖(Optictectum,OT)密切相连的视觉核团。

Based on the principle of shading, three-dimensional reconstruction of the nucleus isthmi, the secondary visual center in the pigeon has been realized by using a microcomputer system.


Three dimensional morphology of the nucleus isthmi pars magnocellularis and pars parvocellularis and their relationship were demonstrated by rotating the reconstructed NI round a spatial axis and by cutting the reconstructed NI with a computer software.


This in vitro study on toads provides the first electrophysiological evidence that electrical stimulation of the decussatio Veli in the midbrain tegmentum predominantly produced inhibition on neurons extracellularly recorded from the nucleus isthmi .


更多网络解释与isthmi相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Sectiones isthmi:峡切面

四叠体切面 Sectiones corporum quadrigeminorum | 丘脑下部切面 Sectiones hypothalami | 峡切面 Sectiones isthmi

Rr. isthmi faucium:口峡枝

反回神経 - N. laryngeus recurrens | 口峡枝 - Rr. isthmi faucium | 口蓋帆張筋神経 - N. musculi tensoris veli palatini