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Seven of them were done in the presence of 3 kg hip traction, and six were in 5 kg hip traction (4 cases after 3 kg traction). Angiography was also performed in a intorted position without traction in 5 patients. In 3 cases, retinacular artery angiography was done simultaneously using the microcatheter.


Methods 12 middle-age patients with single femoral neck fracture underwent DSA of selective deep femoral artery and femoral circumflex artery from 2 to 5 days after fracture in the absence of traction, in the presence of 4 kg hip traction in the neutral position and in the intorted position without traction.

对12例青壮年股骨颈骨折在2~5 d内进行旋股内、外及支持带动脉造影,造影中均采用中立位无牵引、中立位5 kg牵引及内旋位无牵引3种形式。