英语人>词典>英汉 : infantile paralysis的中文,翻译,解释,例句
infantile paralysis的中文,翻译,解释,例句

infantile paralysis

infantile paralysis的基本解释


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Another clear example of goal succession is the experience of the Nation Foundation for Infantile Paralysis.


Jeff: Who would think that he used to live in a wheelchair and that infantile paralysis made him unable to enjoy a normal life.


Galanthamine has been used in clinics for treatment of infantile paralysis, myasthenia gravis and other diseases.


Poliomyelitis is also known as "infantile paralysis" because it most frequently caused paralysis in infants and young children in the pre-vaccine era in industrialized countries.


All gamma globulin produced would be made available to the American Red Cross and the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis at the cost of processing.


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infantile paralysis:小儿麻痹症

是由脊髓灰质炎病毒引起的一种急性传染病.临床表现主要有发热咽痛和肢体疼痛,部分病人可发生弛缓性麻痹.流行时以隐匿感染和无瘫痪病例为多儿童发病较成人为高,普种疫苗前尤以婴幼儿患病为多,故又称小儿麻痹症(Infantile paralysis)其主要病变在脊髓灰质,

infantile paralysis:(或polio):小儿麻痹症

to prescribe medicine for a disease:开药方治病 | to communicate disease:传播着病 | infantile paralysis (或polio):小儿麻痹症

infantile paralysis:小儿瘫痪

小儿手拳 contracture of fingers in children | 小儿瘫痪 infantile paralysis | 小儿痰鸣 wheezing cough in children

infantile paralysis:幼儿麻痹,急性脊髓前灰质炎

婴儿免疫,幼儿免疫作用 infantile immunity | 幼儿麻痹,急性脊髓前灰质炎 infantile paralysis | 婴儿型 infantilism

infantile spinal paralysis:婴儿脊髓麻痹

infantile spasm 婴幼儿痉挛 | infantile spinal paralysis 婴儿脊髓麻痹 | infantile stage 乳儿期