英语人>词典>英汉 : head band的中文,翻译,解释,例句
head band的中文,翻译,解释,例句

head band

head band的基本解释

[医] 头带(用以系头镜之带)

更多网络例句与head band相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Body weight is used as the basis for standardization to obtain ground reaction force values and impulse values. The original signal of EMG from Rectus femoris, Biceps femoris long head, Tibialis anterior and Gastrocnemius lateral head is processed by DASYLab 6.0 software to band-pass (10-500Hz), full-wave rectification and low-pass filtering (10Hz), after using the formula root mean square to get the root mean RMS value, divided by total gait cycle as the basis for standardization (100%).

肌电讯号由DASYLab 6.0软体分析股直肌、股二头肌、胫骨前肌、腓肠肌等肌群之原始肌电讯号后,进行10-500Hz的band-pass滤波处理,经全波整流上翻、10 Hz低通率波平滑化处理,再利用均方根(root mean square, RMS)公式运算后,可得均方根振幅,并以步态周期中最大肌电值进行标准化处理。

Our main products are: neoprene supports and elasticized knitted supports, including head band, wrist band, finger guard, elbow guard, shoulder wrap, waist guard, man support, thigh guard, knee guard, shin guard, ankle guard etc, over 120 series of products.


Additionally in our company we go so far as to instruct workers to be careful not to wipe their face after handling tire dressing because your hands will have black on them and you will eventually get stains all over your head band and in your eyes.


更多网络解释与head band相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

band loud-speaker:频带扬声器

"band head","[光]谱带头" | "band loud speaker","频带扬声器" | "band of drops","滴柱"

band together:联合起来

bang one's head up aginst a brick wall 以头撞墙,枉费心机 | band together 联合起来 | ban on 禁止

band filter:带通滤波器

band elimination 带状消元法 | band filter 带通滤波器 | band head 谱带头