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foundations of geometry的中文,翻译,解释,例句

foundations of geometry

foundations of geometry的基本解释


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Nonetheless, it was not until the second half of nineteenth century that the unifying role of symmetry in foundations of geometry had been recognized.


This appendix proved to be one of the foundations of non - Euclidean geometry ; it was a mathematical landmark worth farmore than anything else in the book .


Gauss assigned to Riemann the subject of the foundations of geometry as the one on which he should deliver his qualifying lecture.

Gauss 给 Riemann 指定把几何基础作为他应该发表的就职演说的题目。

It is a valuable resource for anyone wanting to understand the mathematical foundations of geometry, rasterization and lighting techniques. The FAQ for the comp.graphics.algorithms Usenet group also contains useful material.

对于希望理解图形学几何,光栅化和光照技术的数学基础的人来说,这是本有价值的书。comp.graphics.algorithms Usenet组的FAQ也有很多有用的信息。

In the twentieth century, David Hilbert employed axiomatic reasoning in his attempt to update Euclid and provide modern foundations of geometry.


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foundations of geometry:几何基础

任何人都会知道欧几里得的>、笛卡尔的>(Geometry)与希尔伯特(HilBert)的<<几何基础)(Foundations of Geometry)都是数学的书,彼此多少和同一个主题相关.

foundations of geometry:几何学的基础

数学基础 foundation of mathematics | 几何学的基础 foundations of geometry | 四色问题 four color problem

Kobayashi, Foundations of differential geometry I, II:这两本我也推荐了,版主说不授权

Milnor, Characteristic classes这本我也推荐了. | Kobayashi, Foundations of differential geometry I, II这两本我也推荐了,版主说不授权 | Karoubi, K-theory: an introduction这本支持,我刚复印.