英语人>词典>英汉 : foul territory的中文,翻译,解释,例句
foul territory的中文,翻译,解释,例句

foul territory

foul territory的基本解释

界外地区, [体]界外场地

更多网络例句与foul territory相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In baseball: hit a ball such that it is caught from an out in foul territory.


These lines divide foul and fair territory.


The diamond is surrounded on two sides by the outfield which is fair territory, and on the other two sides by foul territory.


Chalk boxes in foul territory near first and third base define the position of team coaches.


In his final play as a Major Leaguer, Ryan Church popped up to him, as a catcher, in foul territory.

Zeile最后一次的大联盟守备机会则是以捕手身分在界外区接杀了Ryan Church的小飞球。

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更多网络解释与foul territory相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

foul territory:界外地区

(1)停止在本垒到一垒或本垒到三垒之间的界外地区时; (2)地滚球在经过一、三垒垒位时,从垒位外侧界外地区滚入外场或继续滚出界外地区时; (3)腾空球在第一个落点在一、三垒垒位后界外地区时;[31]:界外地区(Foul Territory) 从本垒经过一、三

foul territory:界外区

2.33 界外区 (FOUL TERRITORY) 界内区以外的区域. 2.34 擦棒被捕球 (FOUL TIP) 打者击出的球擦过球棒直接飞进捕手的手套,在纪录上算是一个好球,而且属於比赛进行中. 2.35 滚地球 (GROUND BALL) 击出的球在地上滚动弹跳.

foul territory:界外

界内 fair territory | 界外 foul territory | 本垒 home base

foul territory:界外地区的

fair territory 界内地区的 | foul territory 界外地区的 | foul line 边线的