英语人>词典>英汉 : formulistic的中文,翻译,解释,例句,音标

formulistic [,fɔ:mju'listik]



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While the majority of songs to love songs and began formulistic mainly due to meet market needs, in order to gradually reduce the quality of songs and music, the drastic narrowing of the creative space.


Lola informed us that in her humble opinion,"investors everywhere should reevaluate and decide to invest capital into movie projects that are truly unique and entertaining, rather than wasting money on something that is boringly formulistic and foolishly predictable."

Lola 告诉我们她的想法:&投资者应该评估和决定把钱投在真正的独立及娱乐电影计划上,而不是把钱浪费在那些无趣的、公式化的、无聊的电影上&。

It is the important tradition of modern pedagogy in China to pursue the Western new academic trends in the self -negative mentality and formulistic approach for the rapid application in China. Such blind practice has caused the dual separation of Chinese pedagogy in both Chinese culture and Western culture.


For a long time, one-sided benthamism is the major reason which leads to this situation. It brings on knowledge structure of students single and weak, what's more, students have fed up with studying because teaching process is formulistic. Poetry is one important part of Chinese education.


Any music lack of individuality will certainly tend to be vaguely general and formulistic, without artistic appeal; and any music lack of universality will tend to go to "non-music" direction, which is also hard for audience to accept.


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