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foramen magnum的中文,翻译,解释,例句

foramen magnum

foramen magnum的基本解释






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Meningioma of the foramen magnum:a series of 40 cases.


objective to explore the operative methods for meningiomas in the foramen magnum.

目的 探讨枕骨大孔区脑膜瘤的手术治疗方法。

Methods The clinical presentations,MRI images, operative technique and prognosis of 9 cases with tumors of the foramen magnum were analyzed retrospectively.


For antemortem injury,a 3mm-deep stab wound wasmade with 〓 needle through the upper median point of foramen magnum.


Method] Take foramen magnum resin D101 to separate polysaccharide from the zymotic fluid of Cordyceps mycelium, the phenol-SO2 method to measure polysaccharide in sample.


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Foramen magnum:枕骨大孔

它们的头颅骨与嵴轴与叉龙科、梁龙科相比较为原始,而不能归类于这两个演化支. 这种草食性恐龙与叉龙科的差别在于未固定的额骨,与梁龙科的差别在枕骨大孔(Foramen magnum)周围骨头的排列方式,但春雷龙与梁龙科拥有较多的相似处.

Foramen magnum:大孔

尤其有意义的是他可以「直立行走」,因为他的枕骨大孔(foramen magnum)的位置比较靠前,不像其他四足行走的动物枕骨大孔是在头骨的后方,这显示他跟尼安德塔人、北京人、爪哇人一样是腰杆(脊柱)直起来,用双足行走的.

Foramen magnum:枕骨大孔 - 小孔

枕骨 - Os occipitale | 枕骨大孔 - 小孔 - Foramen magnum | 枕髁 - Condylus occipitalis

Foramen magnum:枕大孔

07.0313 内淋巴管孔 aperture of endolymphatic duct | 07.0314 枕大孔 foramen magnum | 07.0315 枕髁 occipital condyle

occipital foramen magnum:枕骨大孔

枕鳞 occipital squama | 枕骨大孔 occipital foramen magnum | 基底部 basilar part

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