英语人>词典>英汉 : following wind的中文,翻译,解释,例句
following wind的中文,翻译,解释,例句

following wind

following wind的基本解释

顺风, 顺水风

更多网络例句与following wind相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

The wind measure of the wind farm is very important. This thesis can offer relevant theory analysis and technical support for this. And on the follow-up study of this subject , there are the following suggestions:(1) In the multi-layer wind tower , an anemometer at 50 meters'must be install, in order to improve the precision of assessment of the new method further.


Pection following completion. GL Wind may reject components which have not beenadequately monitored and demand resubmission after successful monitoring and, if

GL Wind 可能会拒绝没有被完全监测的部件,并且在成功监测后要求重新提交,如果必要

This paper endogens carbon tax and subsidy two variables, discussing how to decide the optimal level of carbon tax and subsidy. The results of the research are obtained as the following:(1) price and capital subsidy which one is priority depend on the productivity of renewable energy capital, if productivity is high enough, then should adopt capital subsidy policy;(2) price and capital subsidy indeed exist trade-off and non-independent relationship;(3) renewable energy regulation ratio has negative effect on carbon tax, however has positive effect on price subsidy;(4) green certificate price increase will result in decrease carbon tax and price subsidy, but increase capital subsidy;(5) if the authority loose the environmental target, then should impose high carbon tax which maintains the environmental quality, but have ambiguous effect on subsidy policy;(6) increasing stability of renewable energy, then increase price subsidy, however, under budget constraint should decrease capital subsidy;(7) analyzing Taiwan's three wind power energy with different price subsidy, which can improve the technology of wind power energy. In another word, it can raise the capacity of wind power energy and reach the goal of renewable energy.


更多网络解释与following wind相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

A gust of wind has floated:一阵风飘过

带起波涛的翻滚 Followes the rolling of a great wave | 一阵风飘过 A gust of wind has floated | 雨随之而来 the rain following

Laurentian orogenesis:劳伦造山运动(太古代元古代间)

浪向风 following wind | 劳伦造山运动(太古代元古代间) Laurentian orogenesis | 劳氏笔石 Loganograptus

follow on:改进型的

following wind 顺风; 顺水风 | follow-on 改进型的 | follow-on subassembly 随动组件