英语人>词典>英汉 : ethylene oxide的中文,翻译,解释,例句
ethylene oxide的中文,翻译,解释,例句

ethylene oxide

ethylene oxide的基本解释

[化] 环氧乙烷, 氧丙环

更多网络例句与ethylene oxide相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

ABSTRACT OBJECTIVE:To established a method for the determination of ethylene oxide in metronidazole.


It can be sterilized using ethylene oxide.


The progress in the catalytic ring-opening polymerization of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide is reviewed in this paper.


The methods and measures for improving the competition of domestic ethylene oxide in international market were pointed out.


ABSTRACT : Objective To establish a GC method for the determination of ethylene oxide in WeiShu Capsules.

目的 建立气相色谱法测定胃舒胶囊中环氧乙烷残留量的方法。

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更多网络解释与ethylene oxide相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Ethylene oxide:环氧乙烷

甲醛灭菌时产生气体的方法有以下几种:2.环氧乙烷 环氧乙烷(ethylene oxide)气体具有广泛的杀菌作用,它不损害消毒物品,且穿透力强. 主要用于消毒塑料用品、不耐高热高压以及不能受潮湿的物品. 例如,培养板、塑料培养瓶皿、布类等.

Ethylene oxide:氧化乙烯

最好注射B型肝炎疫苗,以免被感染. (b)40%福马林(Formalin)溶液,消毒12小时;或20%福马林溶於70%酒精的溶液,消毒18小时. (c)2%的碱化戊醯醛(Alkalinized Glutaraldehyde)溶液,消毒10小时. (d)氧化乙烯(Ethylene oxide)瓦斯消毒.

Ethylene oxide:氧乙烯

共聚聚甲醛是单聚聚甲醛与环氧乙烯(ethylene oxide)共聚合而成. 亚洲地区是全球聚甲醛使用量成长最快速的地区. 电子电气与汽机车产业约占65%以上的市场. 近年来聚甲醛为克服其韧性差与阻燃性不佳的问题,陆续开发出各种合胶的应用.

Ethylene oxide:氧丙环

ethylene lactic acid 羟丙酸 | ethylene oxide 氧丙环 | ethylene union 烯键

Ethylene oxide:abbr. eo; 环氧乙烷

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