英语人>词典>英汉 : enriched uranium的中文,翻译,解释,例句
enriched uranium的中文,翻译,解释,例句

enriched uranium

enriched uranium的基本解释


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Once Qom is on line, it will be able to produce ever more enriched uranium, ever faster.


And then finally we've got to figure out what they have done on highly enriched uranium.


It promised to give up all of its highly enriched uranium by two thousand twelve.

它承诺放弃其浓缩铀全部由2000 12。

In a speech Wednesday, Mr. Ahmadinejad said Iran will produce uranium enriched to 20 percent.

艾哈迈迪内贾德星期三在一次演讲中说,伊朗将提炼浓度为 20 %的铀。

Canada agreed to give up a significant quantity of highly enriched uranium.


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enriched uranium:浓缩铀

IAEA在2007年在调查北韩的核武相关设施时发现有日本制真空帮浦被转用做为浓缩铀(Enriched Uranium)的设备,而且真空帮浦可提高浓缩的效率. 这是该总署在调查北韩核武设施时,首度发现有日本制零件被转用,而该日制帮浦原本是出口到台湾.

enriched uranium:浓化铀

enriched uranium reactor 浓化铀反应器 | enriched uranium 浓化铀 | enriched rice 加强米

enriched uranium:富集铀

enriched fuel 浓缩燃料 | enriched uranium 富集铀 | enrichment 富集度, 富集

enriched uranium:浓缩铀第 条第四款

empty packaging 空包装 第 十五条 | enriched uranium 浓缩铀第 条第四款 | environmental monitoring 环境监测 第九条第二款

highly enriched uranium:高浓缩铀

当然,这些材料没有对任何人造成伤害,但它确实具有放射性,特征与高浓缩铀(highly enriched uranium)类似――而高浓缩铀正是组装原子弹的危险材料. 就在你阅读这篇文章的同时,美国布什政府和国会可能正在考虑花费数十亿美元,在港口和其他入境口岸设置更多的检测器.

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