英语人>词典>英汉 : emetics的中文,翻译,解释,例句,拼写相似词汇



催吐药( emetic的名词复数 )

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Emetics to induce vomiting, such as syrup of ipecac although first aid manuals now advise against inducing vomiting.


Any shrub or small tree of the genus Rauwolfia having leaves in whorls and cymose flowers; yield substances used medicinally especially as emetics or purgatives.


Methods 45 patients with acute alcoholism were randomly divided into research(n=25) and control group(n=20),emetics were given to noncoma patients to discharge endogastric alcohol and intravenous drip of 10% glucose,0.9% sodium chloride solution,VIT C and B6 in order to diuresis and rectifications of acid base,fluid and electrolyte imbalance;The research group was treated with restoring consciousness jing plus naloxone and control group with single naloxone.


Methods 45 patients with acute alcoholism were randomly divided into research(n=25) and control group(n=20),emetics were given to non??coma patients to discharge endogastric alcohol and intravenous drip of 10% glucose,0.9% sodium chloride solution,VIT C and B6 in order to diuresis and rectifications of acid base,fluid and electrolyte imbalance;The research group was treated with restoring consciousness jing plus naloxone and control group with single naloxone.


Make sure the elephants are give their emetics in good time.


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它通常用在意外的中毒中,也是最知名的催吐剂(Emetics). 吐根酊也用在镇咳袪痰液(cough mixture)中当作袪痰剂(Expectorant). 而从18世纪到20世纪初期,吐根酊与鸦片用来制作糖浆形式的杜佛氏散(Dover's powder,或称吐根阿片散与复方吐根散).


甘草酏 Elixir of glycyrrhiza | 催吐药 Emetics | 盐酸吐根碱 Emetine hydrochloride


米勒管囊肿[副中肾管] Embryonic cyst of fallopian tube | 催吐药类引起的有害效应 Emetics | 润滑药,缓和药和保护药类引起的有害效应 Emollients demulcents and protectants

Poisoning by emetics:催吐药中毒

影响尿酸代谢的药物中毒 Poisoning by drugs affecting uric acid metabolism | 催吐药中毒 Poisoning by emetics | 酶类中毒,NEC Poisoning by enzymes not elsewhere classified

Make sure the elephants are give their emetics in good time:要保证大象们在合适的时候吃药

- I saw to it at first light.- Very good.|- 今... | Make sure the elephants are give their emetics in good time.|要保证大象们在合适的时候吃药 | I don't want my chariot slowed by giant turds.|我可不想因为...