英语人>词典>英汉 : draw together的中文,翻译,解释,例句
draw together的中文,翻译,解释,例句

draw together

draw together的基本解释

团结起来, 使团结一致

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Our two characters were quite different, but that seemed to draw us closer together.


As these factors continue to evolve I believe they will draw our business communities closer together.


These people-to-people and cultural links will continue to draw our countries closer together in the.years to come.


Then, I tried to draw the scattered ideas together into cohesive blocks.


I think we can draw up a tentative plan together.


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更多网络解释与draw together相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

draw together:团结起来

Utovue 乌托维等离子体数字板(一种交流型等离子体显示板) | draw together 团结起来 | frequency meter 频率计

draw together:靠拢

They fought many times, but they came together again. 他们多次打架,然而他们又和好了. | 3. draw together靠拢 | 4. get together聚集

draw some people together:把某些人凝聚在一起

from the viewpoint of sb./sth. 从某人的视角来看 | throw doubt on sth 对......产生疑问 | draw some people together 把某些人凝聚在一起

Some mutual interests draw us together:一些共同的兴趣把我们吸引到一块了

grab a taxi 赶搭出租车. | 3.Some mutual interests draw us together .一些共同的兴趣把我们吸引到一块了. . | 4.in some way not specified or known 不知什么缘故..

tuck v. draw together into a small place; put into a desired or convenient position:折拢;塞

thrust v. push forcefully and suddenly 刺,戳 | tuck v. draw together into a small place; put into a desired or convenient position 折拢;塞 | backgroundn. the scenery of ground behind sth. 背景

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