英语人>词典>英汉 : demoralisation的中文,翻译,解释,例句


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The state of confusion into which we are thrown by what seem to be senseless acts of brutal violence in Iraq produce the very effects the terrorists intend: our incomprehension and demoralisation.


To a city bogged down in the demoralisation of worklessness, the great steel pincers nearing each other from the opposing shores must have seemed symbols of prosperity that must one day come again.


These too led tens of thousands of workers into struggles that ended in defeat and demoralisation.


But nobody disputes the fact that demoralisation and degradation of the police force are now threatening not just anarchy but even, in some regions, civil conflict.


Bullying is an inefficient way of working, resulting in disenchantment, demoralisation, demotivation, disaffection, and alienation.


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社会上处于孤立状态, demoralisation ,沮丧,抑郁症:social isolation, demoralisation, frustration, depression

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