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damping constant的中文,翻译,解释,例句

damping constant

damping constant的基本解释

[计] 阻尼常数

更多网络例句与damping constant相关的网络例句 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

In model 1, the estimated stiffness constant and damping coefficient were larger in stroke patients with spasticity.


From the simple linear model, both stiffness constant and damping coefficient were increased in the stroke patients with spasticity.


Then according to the research of the state matrix, a concept that the system general damping coefficient keeps constant is proposed, which is helpful for understanding the interaction of all the dynamic components and impacts for the distribution of dampings.


The objective parameter EDT, and more precisely, the correlation between the initial slope of the decay curve of the stationary field and the average damping constant of all excited normal modes, has been studied by some authors, i.e.H.


The objective parameter EDT, and more precisely, the correlation between the initial slope of the decay curve of the stationary field and the average damping constant of all excited normal modes, has been studied by some author, i.e.H.


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更多网络解释与damping constant相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

critical damping constant:临界阻尼常数

1480 临界空蚀数 critical cavitation number | 1481 临界阻尼常数 critical damping constant | 1482 临界质量 critical mass

damping constant:阻尼常数

damping characteristic,阻尼特性 | damping constant,阻尼常数 | damping deflection period,阻尼比

damping constant:衰减常数

damping 衰减 | damping constant 衰减常数 | damping diode 阻尼二极管

damping constant:阻尼系数,衷减系数

damping coefficient 阻尼特性 | damping constant 阻尼系数,衷减系数 | damping factor 阻尼常数,衷减常数

damping constant:阻尼常数,减振常数

阻尼系数 damping coefficient | 阻尼常数,减振常数 damping constant | 阻尼装置,减振装置 damping device

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