英语人>词典>英汉 : couch grass的中文,翻译,解释,例句
couch grass的中文,翻译,解释,例句

couch grass

couch grass的基本解释


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The village is very small, very simple, with white clan dissimilarity of BE, all of person heres be the house which do with the couch grass, therefore all not big.


The clothes made of couch grass trace them back to the life of their ancestors.They can feel the hardships of life in this way.


The enzyme activity in the chrysanthemum alp and couch grass is higher than the one in spruce forest.


Text also explain climatically the reason why only these are lots of thatching in Yunnan zone based on the aquiferous capability of the couch grass and stability of stake.


The village master call the person take them to arrive at a righteousness Chuang, is also a very small couch grass house, stop several coffin.


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更多网络解释与couch grass相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

Couch grass:茅草 被认为是杂草,有长而蔓延的草根. 横切球道障碍物

Cop 障碍顶部 | Couch grass 茅草 被认为是杂草,有长而蔓延的草根. 横切球道障碍物 | Course record 球场最佳记录

Couch grass:茅草

cotyloid 杯状的 | couch grass 茅草 | couch 床

Couch grass:魁克麦草

\\"子叶型胎盘\\",\\"cotyledonary placenta\\" | \\"魁克麦草\\",\\"couch grass\\" | \\"咳嗽\\",\\"cough\\"

Couch grass Extract:白茅根提取物

山茱萸提取物Cornus Extract 10:1 | 白茅根提取物Couch grass Extract 20:1 | 何首乌提取物Fo-Ti Extract 2.5% 1%

red couch grass:莎草

red corpuscular diameter curve 红细胞直径曲线 | red couch grass 莎草 | red cross health unit 红十字卫生站

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