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You Know, Cotillions Really Are Instructive.


You know, cotillions really are instructive.


Well, Cotillions Just Seem Antiquated To Me.


Dan: Well, cotillions just seem antiquated to me.


In one of the most enjoyable cotillions before supper, Prince Andrey danced again with Natasha.


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更多网络解释与cotillions相关的网络解释 [注:此内容来源于网络,仅供参考]

You Know, Cotillions Really Are Instructive:交谊舞会是非常有意义的

To Let Jenny Come To Our Little Event.|让Jenny来参加我们的... | You Know, Cotillions Really Are Instructive.|交谊舞会是非常有意义的 | They Teach Young Girls Good Social Graces...|会教授你女儿非常优美的社...

You Know, Cotillions Really Are Instructive:[你知道 跳沙龙舞是很有启发意义的]

to let jenny come to our little event. [你真的是太... | you know, cotillions really are instructive. [你知道 跳沙龙舞是很有启发意义的] | they teach young girls good social graces [能教会女孩子一些良好的...

Well, Cotillions Just Seem Antiquated To Me:交谊舞会对我来说有点太老套了

Grandma Loves Honesty. It's Okay.|外婆喜欢实话实说 没关系的 | Well, Cotillions Just Seem Antiquated To Me.|交谊舞会对我来说有点太老套了 | You Know, Remnant Of A Different Age.|是另一个时代的遗风

Well, Cotillions Just Seem Antiquated To Me:[其实这种法式早期交谊舞对我来说 有点过时了]

grandma loves honesty. it's okay. [祖母喜欢诚实的人 说吧... | well, cotillions just seem antiquated to me. [其实这种法式早期交谊舞对我来说 有点过时了] | you know, remnant of a different age. [不同的时代...

An endless parade of parties and cotillions:不是餐会就是舞会

I saw my whole life as if I'd already lived it.|我当时觉得 自己的生活了无生趣 | An endless parade of parties and cotillions...|不是餐会就是舞会 | yachts and polo matches.|游艇赛 马球赛